Category Archives: blossom tales

Episode 19-6 The Nindies

Indie games have been absolutely exploding all over the Nintendo Switch platform, and we couldn’t be happier! Enjoy these selections from some of our favorite titles, and maybe you’ll discover some new ones!

Episode 15-1 Patreon Pineapples

It’s time for another live-streamed episode! All music this week has been picked by our lovely Patreon subscribers, thank you! Pizza is a big topic around the R&P office cooler, but our conversation goes all over the place.

Episode 12-2 Retro Tributes

We are seeing so many great new games recently with a retro-aesthetic, and we love it! Whether it’s pixelized 16-bit style artwork, or classic gameplay mechanics, it’s something that we’re drawn to immediately. The music is no different, borrowing from the sounds of past hardware and putting an original spin on it.