Category Archives: wii

Episode 15-4 Dragons with Gunblade X

Dragons have invaded the podcast, and we are the only ones to stop them! Or rather, we are here to tame them! We will ride them, RIDE THEM TO VICTORY! Joining us on this adventure is the video game rock band Gunblade X. Grab your sword, your shield, and be prepared to ROCK.

Episode 15-2 Brass Instruments with Mitchel Wong

We listen to video game music with brass instruments, front and center. This means trombones, saxophones, and trumpets! Expect music from across the game console spectrum, from the SNES to the Sega Saturn, we’ve got it!

Episode 14-7 Memes

Likes podcasts. Puts video game music in every episode. In this week’s podcast we pick a song that matches a video game meme, so get ready for LOTS of memes! This topic was brought to us from Good Guy Messenger!

Episode 13-1 Boys with Bats

Today on the show Rob and Pernell start their own Major League Podcast team, the Wilmington Chiptuners! Not really though, this week’s episode is all about video game characters who carry bats! Or big sticks! Or you know, something like that… we’ve got all sorts of ideas. We talk about the nostalgia we have for … Continue reading Episode 13-1 Boys with Bats