Category Archives: gonzalo varela

Episode 11-3 Food Fight featuring Gonzalo Varela from Fight’N Rage!

Grab your baguettes and arm yourself with scones! It’s time for a food fight! We tackle music around food-related stages and characters, and it gets messy! We talk about what makes a great salad, the problems with 3D Sonic The Hedgehog games, and why there are so many chefs who become great martial artists. And … Continue reading Episode 11-3 Food Fight featuring Gonzalo Varela from Fight’N Rage!

Episode 11-2 Beat’em Ups 2 with Masikus!

Brawlers. Beat’em ups. Punchy-kicky men. These are all terms for a popular style of arcade game that brings kids together, and tears families apart. Okay so I’m making some of this stuff up. This is our second look at the popular beat-em-up genre, but this time with no system restrictions.