Category Archives: nintendo ds

Episode 13-5 Patreon Salad

We’re on a diet this week, eating nothing but salads! We have no topic this week, just excellent listener-suggested music! We give a preference to our Patreon subscribers, as this recording was streamed live for all of our supporters! We talk about our favorite racing games, Rob mispronounces MANY names, and there’s a ton of … Continue reading Episode 13-5 Patreon Salad

12-6 R&P Recommends

We leave the comfy confines of episode topics and dive head-first into the dangerous waters of video game recommendations! Rob suggests that games that weren’t as bad as you might remember, and Pernell talks about forgotten favorites. It’s an eclectic episode with a surprising amount of Nintendo DS music!

Episode 11-10 Shonen Games

Let’s listen to music that can get you powered up! Music that makes you feel like you can save the world even though your just a high school kid with magical powers! We explore the world of Shonen Jump video games and video game cross-overs!

Episode 10-6 Cave Music

Join us on a deep-dive exploration of cave related music! Creepy caverns, dangerous dungeons, and um.. uh… murky mines? Pernell’s tracks make Rob feel like he’s in a chill and romantic underground grotto, hanging with all of his magical friends with none excluded. Keep listening for the Bonus Round part of the show, it’s an awesome … Continue reading Episode 10-6 Cave Music