Category Archives: sega saturn

Episode 20-3 Sega Saturn Showcase

Rob believes the Sega Saturn had the most smooth-sexy jams than any other game console. Pernell believes creamy-dill potato chips are a part of your complete breakfast. THEY FIGHT. YOU WIN. Hang out with us and listen to some of the best music recorded for the Sega Saturn ever!

Episode 17-7 Noriyuki Iwadare

Our podcast this week features only music composed by the prolific artist Noriyuki Iwadare! We find some great tracks in this episode, exploring not only his most famous games like Grandia and Langrisser, but also some interesting Japan-only titles on the PlayStation! Things go a little off the rails once we get into 90’s-TV-sitcom-mode and … Continue reading Episode 17-7 Noriyuki Iwadare

Episode 16-9 King of Patreon Fighters

Pick your fighters, pick your team! Pick your games, pick your music! This week’s episode was streamed live for our Patreon members, featuring music selected our Patreon members! Expect high-energy music, with high-energy hosts! Enjoy!

Episode 14-10 Go To Jail

Framed for a crime we’re 99% sure they didn’t commit, Rob and Pernell listen to music on the run. Looking for their arch-nemesis, the criminal that set the police on their trail. And their enemies in their path.

Episode 14-8 Patreon Music for Life

This week’s soundtrack is provided by supporters of Patreon! We talk about our favorite Batmen, and take a look at Pernell’s professional RPG speed-running career. Throughout the episode, Pernell attempts to complete Ninja Gaiden 2, and Rob distracts him through the power of modern dance.

Episode 14-2 Patreon Pizza Party

Pizza time! This week we exclusively play music suggested exclusively from members of our Patreon! Exclusive! Rob and Pernell haven’t recorded in a little while since they’ve been travelling so much, so there’s lots of silly banter and a (too much) singing! 

Episode 11-6 Arabesque Music

This week we listen to game music used typically in desert stages, often to create the atmosphere of Arabic architecture and landscapes. Stereotypes aside, there are some fantastic melodies and rhythms to be found in these games. So take off your shoes and dive in with us!